Kvinna, liv, frihet är slagorden i den pågående proteströrelsen i Iran. Just nu bevittnar vi ett historiskt uppror där tusentals kvinnor, män och barn slutit samman i protester mot den iranska regimens förtryck mot kvinnor – med risk för sina liv. Protesterna bröt ut 16 september efter att den 22-åriga kurdiska kvinnan Jina Mahsa Amini greps av den iranska sedlighetspolisen för att dom ansåg att hennes huvudsjal inte skulle ha täckt håret tillräckligt. Två dagar senare var hon död.

Hur situationen kommer utvecklas och vad upproren kommer leda till vet ingen. Med den här samtidsdokumentationen vill Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska dokumentera dina tankar och reflektioner kopplade till det som sker i Iran just nu.

Bidra gärna med din berättelse, såväl i text som i bild. Ditt bidrag blir ett tidsdokument och hamnar i museets samlingar. Det kan därmed användas för forskning och i utställningar.

  • Shadé Jalali
    Via sociala medier.
  • Dina Afkhampour
    I heard about Mahsa Jina's killing online -- a scholar friend posted about it and I am ashamed to admit that I immediately had a very cynical response. I thought, 'just another victim of the regime.' We have been desensitized to such an extent that we no longer have normal, humane responses to these deaths. Then something burst. Quite literally, it felt like the center could no longer hold and everything collapsed all at once. WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. Ever since, I have often thought about Mahsa Jina dying alone. She was a tourist in Tehran. That was not her city. She was a guest. And if you know any Iranians, you know that we are very hospitable people. There is nothing we will not do for our guests. It hurts me to think of Mahsa Jina alone in a place that was not familiar to her. That she was treated with so much contempt and that she probably thought no one would care enough about her. But look now, her name has spread the fire of justice around the globe. We cannot forget her and we can never go back to being cynical in the Diaspora.
  • Maryam V N
    Genom sociala medier.
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